A Search Engine Optimization campaign is a long term process which needs to be executed consistently for long term positive results. Search engine optimization should be conducted in an ethical manner, using only white hat SEO techniques. If any of the SEO techniques violates Google’s guidelines then it is very much likely that any advantage gained will be lost once Google catches up with you. Google penalty can hurt a site in more than one way and with long term ramifications for your site. Any site following unethical means also run the risks of been considered as spammy and less trustworthy. A SEO campaign should not just aim for top ranks but also targeted traffic and establishment of your dominance over your niche.

However, a SEO campaign is easier said than done. There are only handful of companies that can manage consistent #1 page results for their clients. Most SEO companies are guilty of trying to achieve success through shortcut measures. These companies indulge in black hat techniques to achieve success quickly. What they don’t realize or don’t care is that money and time spent on black hat SEO campaign will result in a naught very soon.
A ethical SEO Company will on the other hand will follow all Google’s guidelines to ensure most relevant traffic for a longer period of time. Yes, the time spent will be more but the site will also stay on Google’s first page for a longer time. And, your site will never get banned by Google.

A main component of SEO is achieving backlinks for relevant sites. Many companies have started buying links from other sites and blog in direct contravention of Google’s rules. This method is fraught with many dangers. Links from irrelevant sites are not in the same weightage by the search engines. A real estate site is no way related to a jewelry site. If a human doesn’t find any relation between the two, then how can a search engine? While buying links, SEO companies don’t check if the concerned site is reputable or not. Many of these link selling sites are from bad neighborhood with very low credibility index with Google. Any backlinks from such sites won’t be considered by Google and may harm your site.

As opposed to link buying, many white techniques of acquiring relevant backlinks. But only if all companies had the knowledge, imagination, foresightedness or perseverance to work hard for them.