In preparation to start your online business, you’ve probably done some of the basics including research on how to get started, chosen your area of business, and committed some time on how to get your site ranked with the search engines. When it comes to SEO, you’re probably seeing bunch of offers promising easy, fast and cheap ways to the front pages of Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

It’s at this point that you’ll likely make a decision that either puts you in a position to drive growing numbers of targeted traffic to your site or start a revolving door of frustration, self doubt, wasted time, spent money, and a lot more work.

Looked at this way it may appear as an easy choice, but it’s often not that simple. The path you choose will actually depend on how vulnerable to the temptation of the easy button you are. The choice can be made tougher because pitches put in front of you are going to sound terrific with secret formulas and “newly revealed” methods for achieving top rankings on the search engines.

Behind the pitches offering the easy SEO button, the guys that are pushing these products are hoping that you’ll buy the sizzle and then move on when the steak doesn’t arrive. The assumption here is that after hiring them for an ultimately disappointing SEO experience, you’ll be off to the next shiny SEO object that promises an even faster road to the top of page one.

In fact, starting your online business will be much like starting a brick and mortar type of business. Imagine meeting an advertising executive who promises immediate traction with droves of customers beating a path to your door. What if that pitch is made without knowing you or the business you plan to run? You would likely push back from the table seeing a too good to be true pitch meant solely to separate you from your money. It’s the same with easy button SEO.

The truth is, marketing your online business is going to require the execution of an SEO strategy that is researched, planned, and put into action. To start, that includes:
* Understanding that you will get exactly what you pay for
* Getting the right guidance for your SEO strategy.
* Developing a step by step SEO strategy move your business forward

Success on the internet will require you to avoid the temptation of the easy SEO button that promises results no one else is getting. SEO yields extremely positive results but the process takes time and will definitely cost more than a one-time fee of (you can fill this in with a ridiculously low number).